Wednesday, November 27, 2013

[Random Update] Lunch 11/27/13 (Thanksgiving Eve Lunch)

Hi guys! Today I'm just so excited to announce that I made the pan-seared scallops to perfection! I have no previous experience cooking with scallops; in fact, this was my first time cooking them! All I did was I looked up on a few websites to see how people make the perfect pan-seared scallops like I always see on Food Network. After the research, I have concluded that the perfect pan-seared scallop is that both sides have a nice brown, caramel-colored crust.

So, for my lunch today, I made my first attempt on pan-seared scallops and served them on a salad. Because my dad is leaving back to HK tomorrow, and he have always liked scallops (but doesn't know how to cook), that's why I decided to make him some before he leaves.  I have to say, perfect pan-seared scallops are simply delicious. period.

[insert pictures]

Although I succeed the first time, there's a price for it. When I drop my scallops down on the pan, the high temperature oil splashed on my hand so I got a burn. :(
Just a warning to you all, BE CAREFUL! I can feel the pain while typing this post, but I think happiness and excitement overcome the pain. xD

Alright, I gotta go to post office to mail something to my friends, make raisin buns, pan-seared salmon with sauted vegetables, and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving Eve dinner! I'll post pictures and I can't wait to enjoy some yummy food in the holiday! :D

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Chiffon Cake - Original Flavor (原味戚風蛋糕)

Have you ever been to a Chinese bakery where you see them selling those well-decorated birthday cakes? Have you ever tasted the cake texture, along with whipped cream and fruits? If you haven't, do yourself a favor. Make one. This chiffon cake is famous throughout the world because it's so delicious on its own, as well as with whipped cream and fruits or other flavors like jam, chocolate, etc. You will absolutely fall in love with its texture - soft, spongy, and fluffy. The rich egg smell is irresistible. In addition, the reason for why i was so interested in learning how to make it was because I wanted to make those awesome birthday cakes you see in bakeries for my family and friends. I recalled that we used to buy 3 cakes in February because me, my brother, and my mom's birthdays are all in February (what an coincident!). The funny thing is that my birthday and my mom's birthday are just 2 days apart. If she chose to born me on her birthday instead of delaying till the 25th, she'd have saved the money to buy an extra birthday cake for me every year. LOL 

Chiffon Cake - Original Flavor 原味戚風蛋糕:

Adapted from 飞雪无霜

Makes one 8" cake
Prep time: 20mins
Cook (bake) time: 1 hr

  • 5 eggs
  • white sugar 70g - separate into 50g and 20g
  • 85g cake flour, sifted
  • 50g vegetable oil
  • 50g water
  • 1g salt

1. Separate egg yolk and egg white. Make sure the bowl holding the egg whites is clean and has no water or oil in it. This is a crucial step. Set the bowl with yolks in it aside. 
2. In the bowl with egg whites, use a electric hand mixer and beat the egg whites until bubbles form. Then add in the 50g sugar in three batches, about 1/3 a time. Beat until stiff peaks form. Set aside
  • to make sure the egg whites have beaten till stiff peaks, turn the bowl over. If nothing comes down, then it's ready to rock n' roll. Refer to the pictures below to have a better idea of what stiff peak looks like :)
Second time adding sugar

third time adding sugar

soft peak (a bit more than you're in stiff peaks!)

what stiff peaks look like

3. Using the same electric mixer (you don't have to wash it if you don't want to), beat the egg yolks with water, 20g sugar, vegetable oil, and salt until well combined.

step 3

4. Add in the sifted cake flour into the egg yolk mixture and mix until just incorporated.
5. Preheat oven to 300F.
6. Spoon out 1/2 of the beaten egg whites and fold into the egg yolk mixture. Gently fold in the rest of the egg whites with a spatula, until just combined.

step 4 (upper two) and step 6 (bottom)
  • note: a well folded batter should be very soft, well incorporated, and delicate. If the batter has chucks of egg whites or just doesn't look well incorporated, the cake will not rise.
what the batter should look like when it's well incorporated

7. Pour the batter into an 8" cake pan that has been oiled (or parchment paper).  Before putting into the oven, gently tap the cake pan on a surface. This allows the big air bubbles fade away so when the cake bakes, it will turn out evenly.

8" cake pan lined with parchment paper at the bottom

Gently tap the cake pan on a surface

8. First bake for 30 mins in 150C/300F, then switch to 170C/340F and bake for another 30mins.
9. Remove cake from oven and immediately invert it on a cooling rack to let it cool down completely.

*Please take this recipe and photos with FULL CREDIT!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/10/13 Grocery Shopping Haul

I was exhausted on Sunday after grocery shopping. My mom and I went to 4 different markets to buy different things. For those of you who get familiar with grocery shopping, you will realize that it's hard to find a store that has everything you need. Some might have good meat produce, but not vegetables and fruits. Some markets have a better price on an item than the other. I realized this since I started doing grocery shopping last year with my brother (well, my brother is the driver whileI do most of the grocery shopping LOL). Going to multiple stores is indeed time-consuming and tiring. But the reward is sometimes you get some surprises. It was worth spending the entire afternoon on Sunday because I got some great deals on some items. YAYYYY! :D

Here's my shopping list on 11/10/13:

1. Trader Joe's
-organic raisins
-organic cage-free, vegetarian fed eggs
-organic herb mixed salad
-organic greens mixed salad
-organic 2% low-fat milk
-organic soy milk, sweetened
-Trader Joe's Italian vegetarian sausage
-organic free-range, vegetarian fed chicken breast tender *$8.99/lbs.
-lady fingers

2. Whole Foods
-organic vegan yogurt
-fresh baked bagels (3)
-Mia's kitchen organic Vodka sauce
-unsweetened almond milk
-vanilla almond milk
-organic whole wheat bread
-organic fresh cabbage

3. Ranch 99 (Mountain View, CA store for me)
-bean sprouts x1
-Chilean fresh seabass x2 *$14.99/lb. (I bought two that are about $10 each)
-black tiger shrimp, peeled and deveined *$9.99/lb.
-rice vermicelli x1
-green onion
-cake flour
-firm tofu x1
-persimmon *$0.79/lb.
^I LOVE PERSIMMON. I think I bought approximately 30 of them xD

4. Costco
-Levi's Lady's Jean Jacket *$14.99 The greatest deal I've got so far!! LOL
-Pajamas *$16.99/set
-Salmon with pesto butter

[Meal Planning] Week of 11/11/13-11/17/13

I know this is one day late, but later better than never! I thought it'll be cool to write down meals I'm planning to make for this week. I will include the prices of each meal (with calculation) just to show how home cooking is always better and cheaper than dining out. In addition, I will include the approximate time it takes to make the meal and cleaning up as well. Recipes will be following up soon! 

Monday: Chinese dishes - 家常小菜 homely dishes
-steamed seabass
(insert picture)
-Stir-fried shrimp with scrambled eggs (蝦仁炒蛋)
*I think this dish is also called "scrambled eggs with shrimps"
perfect dish to go with rice. it's easy, simple, quick, fresh, and homely.
-Stir-fried bean sprouts with garlic
-pan-fried tofu

-dessert: Chiffon cake
-fruits: persimmon

Tuesday: Chinese dishes!
-steamed seabass <--seabass is sooooo good that I can eat it all day everyday. CAN'T RESIST.
-Tomatoes scrambled eggs
-Stir-fried bean sprouts with garlic
-Stir-fry prawns with onions
-leftovers from yesterday (Stir-fried shrimp with scrambled eggs and a few slices of tofu)

-Baked salmon with pesto butter
-salad with raspberry vinaigrette, raisins, walnuts, and avacado (home-grown!)
-fruits: grapes, persimmon
-dessert: [HK dim sum dessert] strawberry pancake

-Simple hometown fried rice vercimelli (or rice noodle) 家鄉炒米粉

  • cabbage
  • ham <--no nitrite, black forest ham
  • egg
  • onion

-fruits: persimmon

-Peanut congee (aka. rice porridge)
-steamed chicken thin slices with


  • salmon with pesto butter, baked and then broiled
  • side salad
  • fruits: strawberries and persimmon

options for lunch:
-[organic&fresh] crispy chicken with spaghetti in Vodka sauce
-hometown fried rice vercimelli

-steamed seabass
-leftover from friday

Monday, November 11, 2013

My Favorite Chefs! Super Inspirational In Cooking!

As I mentioned before, I am a self-taught cook. I started cooking three years ago, and I have always looked on a few amazing chefs/people who are great at cooking. Simplicity best fits my situation because I am a high school student in a academic rigorous school. I don't have the time to cook some world class dishes in my tiny kitchen. I have only got an hour everyday to cook and wash dishes. Therefore, I am really looking at the people who can provide quick and easy recipes. If the recipe is not quite healthy, I make my own substitution to make it healthy but still being tasty.

1. The first chef who inspires me to cook is Christine's Recipes by Christine Ho. She, a home cook, presents her recipes in an easy way. I remembered I found her recipe because I wanted to bake something. Since then, I started looking at her other Chinese/Cantonese recipes because I really miss my home food. She also inspires me to eat healthy by using healthy ingredients in her recipes. Without her, this blog would not exist. She inspires me to start blogging about my passion to food, and she's sincerely nice and just a great cook to learn from. Especially for beginners.

2. This person have the greatest impact on my belief and vision to food. He inspired me to think beyond the taste, to a level where I started to care about health. He raised my awareness to the health issues involving food in America. He changed the way I view chips, sodas, snacks (JUNK FOOD!). Most importantly, he changed the way I cook and the way I select food to eat. Yes, he is Jamie Oliver. One of the greatest chef on the planet, and one of the most amazing human beings I've ever known. The way he cooks have inspired many kids in the world. He encourages people to use organic (home-grown!) ingredients, as well as cooking healthily. He not only made me discovered how important health is, but also inspired me to make an impact in the community with my power. I hope that I can be part of his food revolution in the future, helping with school lunch meals, educating them about food so they can make good decisions for themselves, and ultimately aiming for a healthy next generation. He gave me the dream that I would never thought of when I was in HK. He gave me goals that I can aim on while practicing my passion (cooking). My admiration to him can't be described through words, but I just want to say "THANK YOU" to you, Mr. Oliver. Learning from you has been a great experience and I'll keep working hard to achieve our common goals. Thank you for your time and effort. Thank you for all the things you have done so far in order to raise awareness about food. Thank you for being so inspirational to me. Thank you. "Cook it. Share it. Live it"

3. Laura Vitale (LauraInTheKitchen)
If you ask me what I do I watch, I'll tell you that I have had a record of watching a cooking show (that's right, cooking show) for 4 consecutive hours. To be exact, I watched 4 hours of LauraInTheKitchen, and never got bored with it. Laura has an extraordinary personality. She presents her show in a fun and entertain way. She is cute, funny, lovely, nice, and using a word to sum up, awesome. Her recipes are a great start for a beginner because they are all super easy (and relatively quick too!) to make. I bet they are all fool-proved. She can easily bring a person into cooking as well as baking since her recipes have a successful rate of 95% (with 5% of ingredients, accident, and human errors), it really makes people who are not good at cooking/never been into the kitchen before proud. Laura specifies in Italian and American cooking, as well as all kinds of baking. She's a great chef and I've learned so much Italian+american cooking from her. She also has some wonderful baking recipes which are simple and delicious. I definitely encourage you to check out her website and youtube channel to begin your cooking journey! You won't regret knowing her, I promise.

4. 飞雪无霜的美食博客

Thursday, November 7, 2013

[Important] Promise's Words of Wisdom

is not just to fulfill our hunger and appetite;
it needs to be healthy and tasty, and no matter what happens, it HAS to be healthy and tasty in all circumstances.
doesn't need to be too fancy. Simplicity builds the important flavors.
must be affordable for ALL.
should be easy and quick to cook @ home.
can be made by everyone,
even if you're one of the people who never touches the kitchen, and
if you do, you might be the cause for an accident.
connects the people around you;
all the differences in society and in people disappear because of food
"talk food @ the table" = "the start of a friendly relationship"
gives you energy; not just physically, but also mentally.
makes people happy
represents your love and care to others, especially to the ones you care and love the most.


This is a teenage girl's experience and beliefs toward food. She has found herself enjoy making food for all the people around her. Believe it or not, the ability to cook is like having a magical power to make people's days shine, and put a smile on their faces.
You realize that the time and effort you put in don't matter once you see your beloved ones are enjoying your food, and that gives you the feeling of joy and blessing.
The Power of Food = Love, Happiness, Joy, and Motivation, then all wrapped into A Sweet Promise.

More importantly, I care about my personal and my family's health. We are trying to switch to a healthier diet while still being able to enjoy some delicious food. We realized that health should come in the top priority, because without a healthy body, no matter how much money or power you acquire, you are just stuck in the hospital and receive treatments. One of the key success to a healthy diet is cooking at home. Home cooking not only saves tons of money (trust me, I'll show you the calculations in the recipes), but you know what you're eating into your body. You can use olive oil instead of vegetable oil like what most restaurants use. You can go organic and still be way under budget.
One of the major reasons why I created this blog is because I care about the health issues related to food happening in the U.S. The numbers for obesity and diabetes are extremely high and the government is spending tons of money in health care every year. The cause is simple. It's because people don't have a good and healthy diet, and they are always exposed to unhealthy food.

In my blog, I'll be addressing recipes that are healthy, nutrition balanced, fast, and easy. In nowadays, people really don't have the time to make a two, three hour meal (including preping) for their families, and so am I. I never spend more than an hour (this includes cleaning too) in the kitchen preparing dinner for my family, and I have figured out ways to do so. If you are interested, follow me and let's "share love, spread health, and make impact". 


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

[Life] Post-PSAT thoughts and treats!

Yayy PSAT IS OVER! :D Overall, I think I could have done much better if I studied. But I know I did the best that I could do, so I'm pretty happy about it. One thing to note is that don't answer the questions you don't know, because if you guess it wrong, you lose 1/4 a point. Leaving it blank (omit the question) is better than losing points. Also, because it is Preliminary SAT, there's no writing portion. The writing section is all multiple choice. I didn't run out of time in any of the sections, but that was because I immediately skipped the questions that I don't have a clue on. A lot of people worried about not doing well on the PSAT will reduce your chance of getting into a good college, but really, colleges look at your GPA and official SAT/ACT scores first. Then they look into your extra-curricular and letter of recs and other stuff. Qualifying for the scholarship just gives you another achievement, but it's definitely not dictating whether you will get accepted into a good college or not. So just relax and chill like me! 

I never treat myself bad. I always try to enjoy every moment I have in life. So, I made myself some treats after the PSAT! The afternoon is my time to relax, even though I have Spanish quiz on past tenses (which I still don't remember the conjugation for all of the irregular verbs). I am making brownies and banana chocolate chip cake. I'll probably eat a piece and give them away to my parents and friends just cause I can't take too much sugar since I already have 6 cavities T^T. But eating 1-2 pieces of homemade goodies is good enough for me to relax and just have fun in the afternoon with baking. I hope my house will be filled with butter, eggs, chocolate, and banana smell :P

p.s. I apologize if my grammar or any word or phrase or sentence doesn't make sense to you. I am brain-dead now and all I just to do is take a nap then eat food XD (yeah, I'm pretty lazy sometimes)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Aghhh I really hope I don't need to be worried about these standardized tests. I have tons of pictures in my phone, but it's so sad that schools and other things in life always get along the way. As a junior, I have to get good scores in the standardized tests in order to be able to get into a good college with a scholarship given to me. Tomorrow, Oct 16th, is the national testing day for PSAT. I wish I could upload my photos and designs for my blog onto the computer, but unfortunately I just don't have time to do it now. In addition, I also need to study for the ACT test coming up next Saturday, Oct 26. 

Luckily, I get to take a break this Friday because it is staff development day~ So, I MUST upload my photos for the red bean shaved ice drink recipe and update my blog. :)
I have to apologize for the constant delay and failed to upload my blog. I am still trying to figure things out and make my daily schedule work. I am also learning to become more efficient.

Anyway, I am super tired right now because I slept late yesterday night, and I am gonna go to get ready for bed now. GOOD LUCK AND ADD OIL TO EVERYONE WHO'S TAKING THE PSAT TOMORROW! 
There's NOTHING to worry about if you didn't do well on standardized tests. Just work hard and do your best. To me, God will have something ready for you. He has prepared for whatever we need. All we need to do is work hard and try the best we could. The rest is already determined by our father in heaven who sincerely love us for who we are. <3

Sunday, October 13, 2013

[HK Drink] Red Bean Shaved Ice 红豆冰

The famous Hong Kong drink, Red Bean Shaved Ice (红豆冰 hong dou bing), not only is popular in Asia, but it used to be my favorite drink in the summer when I was still in Hong Kong. Seriously, nothing can beat a cup of ice cold sweet drink in a hot and humid summer day. You can even add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to make it even more guilty and tempting, but it is always worth it. :P
I know this is a perfect drink for the summer, especially party time, but it is pretty heavy-duty (high calories), so I'd recommend having it once or twice in a while. I made this drink yesterday for my friend's surprise party. But before that, I made it 4 months ago in June I believe. The best thing about this drink is that you only need 3 ingredients to make, and it will only take you 10 minutes including cleaning up. How can you resist on that?

Let me introduce you to this SUPER QUICK AND EASY recipe.

[HK Drink] Red Bean Shaved Ice 红豆冰:

Makes 5 medium size cups
Cook time: 5 mins

1 can of canned red bean paste
2 cans of evaporated milk
12 ice cubes, blended in blender or use human strength to crash it into shaved/fine pieces.

1. In the cups, equally add in about 2-3 spoons of the prepared (canned) red bean paste. Then fill up the cup to 90% full with evaporated milk. Lastly, add in the shaved ice to each cups. Place a spoon into each cup so your guests can mix and drink on their own.

A Sweet Promise:
  • Milk can be used to substitute evaporated milk. It will still taste good but evaporated milk makes the drink smells better. I used milk instead of evaporated milk in the pictures because I didn't have evaporated milk, and they still turned out great! My friends loved it :) I'd say go for evaporated milk in first choice, but if you don't have it, no worries. Milk works just as well.
  • Sugar is not added because the canned red bean paste is sweet enough. If you think it's not sweet enough, feel free to add sugar.
  • You can also make your own red bean paste. It is safer and healthier because you can control the amount of sweetness you desire, and you can choose the quality of the ingredients. I will post another recipe on this drink with a little twist and make my own paste. Please look forward to it~ ^_^

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

(Adapted) Food Network's Butter Cookies

First of all, I have to say that this picture is one of the best ones I've ever taken. I've never taken a single photography lesson even though I'm extremely interested in it. I don't even know how I was able to take this picture. I guess that's what called "taking the picture at the right place and the right moment", which basically means, I got luck! 

I made these cookies a while ago, but I still remarkably remember how good they were. I added a little "twist" to the butter cookies recipe I got. Surprisingly, the cookies turned out to become the perfect balance between crunchy and soft. They are a little bit crunchy outside just like the other butter cookies, but inside is relatively soft (外脆內軟)~ My mom likes these cookies more than those I made before (without the twist) because before they were just crunchy. <-- sorry, i have to apologize that I never know how to write descriptive sentences, but the texture definitely worth giving a try!

Butter Cookies (牛油曲奇餅):
Prep time~20 mins
Inactive time~2.5 hours
Cooking time~10 mins
Serves~50 cookies
Level - easy

  • 3 1/2 cups All purpose flour
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 3 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (softened)
  • 1 1/4 cups brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon (you can omit this if you don't have it)
  • 1 Tbsp half-half


  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, then add salt (dry ingredients)
  2. In another large mixing bowl, cream the softened butter until light and creamy. Refer to image above.
  3. While beating, add sugar and add one egg at a time. Then add vanilla extract and cinnamon. Reduce the speed to low, gradually add the flour+salt (don't pour all at once!) into the batter. Mix until batter looks smooth. Once the dry ingredients are all in, there should be a dough.
  4. *Twist: once the dough has formed, add the half-half into the large mixing bowl and mix in low speed until they combine together. Make sure the dough is not too soggy. If it appears to be too soggy, don't panic, just add about 1/4 teaspoon flour at a time and see how it goes.
  5. Once the dough return normal (not too soggy, not too dry), take a piece of plastic wrap and place the dough on top of it. Put the dough into the fridge (not freezer) to chill for 2 hrs and 30 mins.
  6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  7. Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter to cut into pieces. *If you don't have a cookie cutter, roll the dough into strip and cut out into pieces (like cutting a cucumber ^_^)
  8. Place them on a baking sheet and line up each one for about 1" apart.
  9. Bake for 8 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom of the cookies. Take cookies out and let them cool.
  10. ENJOY! Serve yourself a cup of milk or hot chocolate or coffee or even milk tea along with the wonderful butter cookies~

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Power of Baking. Magical and Full of Love.

Although I am interested in all kinds of cooking, I am actually interested in baking the most. It always makes me feel happy when I see that I have the power spread the happiness to my surroundings through a simple, yet tasty treat. Imagine you can make beautifully decorated birthday cakes for your family and friends. I think that being able to do that is like a blessing because the cakes are full of love from the baker. It's no longer just a piece of cake. It is a tangible gift that represents a lot of thought and love. This not only applies to cakes, but also includes all kinds of baked goods. Most importantly, it makes everyone feels happy, warmth, love, and motivated. It is the healer for a depressed or tired day because they can feel your care and love. Through giving away treats, I always feel that I can have a positive impact in their lives, and this is why I love baking so much.
"Giving is always better than taking." Sometimes, love can be transferred as simple as this.

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Motivation!

My biggest motivation is from God. I am Christian and I am proud to be it. God has taught me so much and made me into a better person than what I used to be. I certainly love him because he has been loving and taking care of me since the time I was born. I believe that he has given me a dream, and all I need to do is to follow him. No matter how hard, how fearful, and how surprising and unbelievable it is, I won't be afraid. That is because I know that God is holding my hands and walking with me.
I came from a Christian family, but I didn't fully believe God until I, myself, have experienced God's power and how he helped me to go through all the hardships. This is not a religion blog. I do not sell about God or Christianity. I am typing this post because this is my belief and what I want to share. I didn't mean to convince others to have the same belief as I do, but I hope that people can have a chance to hear about him.

My belief and idea about food is mostly inspired by the principles of God. I will have another post talking about my beliefs toward food because this topic deserves its own spot. It's not that simple - food has more meaning behind than simply just to fulfill one's hunger or taste. There's something called love, sweetness, and joy involve in it. <3 ^___^
"For God gave us a Spirit who produces not timidity, but power, love and self-discipline." (2 Ti 1:7)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Emoticons In My Blog

Those cute and funny emoticons DO NOT belong to me. They belong to by 留馬仔,I do not own anything.

Here's the link to access to her website and her emoticons:

and this is her website's main page:

Who Am I? Why does this blog exist?

My name is Promise (yes, actually). I am a 16 years old high school girl in bay area. I am a fan girl of cooking and baking. I am also a novice chef who is discovering and learning about food on her own.

This blog exists because I really want to share my beliefs and thoughts toward cooking, baking, and food. In the 3 years of self-taught cooking experience, I have learned so much about food, and how big of an impact food can make. To me, food is a form of love. You demonstrate your love when you're putting in the effort and time to cook for people. It's not about the taste or the time it takes, it is about the effort and love you put into it. I find myself super excited and creative when it comes down to food. Therefore, I just feel that I need to have a place to record my self-taught journey of cooking and baking. I also need a space to express my beliefs and concerns about food. 

My family and I moved to here from Hong Kong about 3 years ago. I started cooking when I moved to here because the food in here really wasn't so great. I remembered how in the beginning we had to eat take out food everyday since we haven't had the appliances installed. I didn't like the take out food because they are often oily, salty, and unhealthy. Besides that, I have read articles about how most fast food restaurants use extremely low quality ingredients in order to gain more profits. I have been cooking for about three years now, and I found myself falling in love with cooking.

Before I moved to here, I am pretty much a "princess" in HK. All the chores, including meals, were made by the nanny in the house. I can never imagine myself standing in the kitchen preparing fresh and bloody ingredients like pork, beef and shrimp (it's disgusting to peel out the shrimps' veins, I won't lie ). But somehow the power of food magically changed the disgusting, gross feeling I used to have when I was in HK. Surprisingly, I am so excited to go to the market and choose some fresh meat and produces. I always feel like I'm in my playground when I step in the market . I cook Chinese dishes (mostly Cantonese food) for dinner the most. I am also interested in western food such as pasta, salad, sandwiches, and soup because they are generally pretty easy and take very little time to make. Best part is you can always make it super healthy by adding vegetables in. Also, I always look at what I have in the fridge and play around with the ingredients that compliment each other well to generate new dishes/meals. That is one of the reasons why I love cooking. It's like you're the Magician (I chose purple because it represents a mystery, secret feeling :P), and with little time and thought, you can turn some simple ingredients into a delicious meal. I will talk more about this in another post because I feel like I have so much to share xD