Monday, September 9, 2013

My Motivation!

My biggest motivation is from God. I am Christian and I am proud to be it. God has taught me so much and made me into a better person than what I used to be. I certainly love him because he has been loving and taking care of me since the time I was born. I believe that he has given me a dream, and all I need to do is to follow him. No matter how hard, how fearful, and how surprising and unbelievable it is, I won't be afraid. That is because I know that God is holding my hands and walking with me.
I came from a Christian family, but I didn't fully believe God until I, myself, have experienced God's power and how he helped me to go through all the hardships. This is not a religion blog. I do not sell about God or Christianity. I am typing this post because this is my belief and what I want to share. I didn't mean to convince others to have the same belief as I do, but I hope that people can have a chance to hear about him.

My belief and idea about food is mostly inspired by the principles of God. I will have another post talking about my beliefs toward food because this topic deserves its own spot. It's not that simple - food has more meaning behind than simply just to fulfill one's hunger or taste. There's something called love, sweetness, and joy involve in it. <3 ^___^
"For God gave us a Spirit who produces not timidity, but power, love and self-discipline." (2 Ti 1:7)

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